Ana Cristina Resende, Ph.D.

Post-doctorate in Medical Psychology at UNIFESP, Ph.D. in Psychology at PUCRS, Master in Psychology and Psychologist at PUC GOIÁS. Professor of the Post-graduate Program in Stricto Sensu and Graduate in Psychology at PUC Goiás, and in the Post-graduate course in Psychological Assessment at IPOG. President of ASBRO. Member of the Comissão Consultiva de Avaliação Psicológica do CFP. Develops research in the areas: Fundamentals and Measures of Psychology, Personality Assessment and Projective Methods.

Anderson Tamborim, MBA

Specialist in Human Conduct Analysis, Director and professor of the university in specialization course at the Universidad a Distancia de Madrid (UDIMA) in Advanced Coding of the Facial Expression of Emotion with FACS (Facial Action Coding System). Delegate of the Brazilian Association of Criminology in the State of São Paulo (Brazil) and Delegate in Brazil of the Behavior & Law University Foundation (Spain). Professor at the Ibero-American Society of Legal Psychology and Forensic Sciences/SOCIFO (Mexico). Master's student in Criminal Psychology – Specialization in Forensic Psychology at the Universidad Europea del Atlántico. Expert and Judicial Technical Assistant (Court of Justice of the State of São Paulo) in Testimonial Credibility Assessment.

Antônio Augusto Pinto Junior, Ph.D.

Post-doctorate in Clinical Psychology and PhD in School and Human Development Psychology from the University of São Paulo. Associate Professor III of the Psychology's Department at Universidade Federal Fluminense - Volta Redonda campus. Coordinator of the "Laboratório de estudos e pesquisas sobre infância e adolescência ( LEPIA)".

Ariela Raíssa Lima Costa, Ph.D.

Professor of the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program in Psychology at Universidade São Francisco USF. PhD in Psychology from Universidade São Francisco (2020), with a PDSE doctoral internship developed at Lund University in Lund, Sweden. Master in Psychology from the same university (2017). Graduated in Psychology from the State University of Piauí (2014). She has experience in the field of Psychology, working mainly on the following subjects: Psychological Assessment, School Psychology, Psychometry, Personality, Aggressiveness and Antisocial Behavior. Member of the Psychometrics research group at ANPEPP. Associate editor of the Revista Psicologia Psicológica.

Arielle Sagrillo Scarpati, Ph.D.

Arielle Sagrillo Scarpati is a psychologist, Master in Social Psychology (UFES) and PhD in Forensic Psychology (University of Kent). In 2019 he completed his Post-Doctorate Jr (UFRGS) and is currently a postgraduate student in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy at PUC-RS. Since 2009, he has been working with research, clinical and social interventions; with an emphasis on social vulnerabilities, gender-based violence(s), masculinity and mental health. Today, she coordinates the theoretical content front of the Business Coalition for the Fight against Violence against Girls and Women initiative and, at the same time, works as: a) technical consultant for public and private entities in her areas of expertise, b) clinical supervisor (for professionals in Psychology ) and c) clinical psychologist; especially serving women victims of trauma and/or rape.

Beatriz Cattani, Ph.D.

Psychologist (PUCRS) (CRP 07/20897). Specialist in Clinical Psychology - Emphasis on Psychological Assessment (UFRGS). Master and PhD in Psychology (UFRGS). Professor of the Psychology course (FACCAT). Lecturer in the Specialization Courses in Legal Psychology (Unisinos) and Specialization in Psychological Assessment (FACCAT). Ad hoc expert in Family Courts and Courts for Children and Youth in Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina. He works in a private practice with psychodiagnosis, evaluations for legal purposes, technical assistance, psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy and supervision.

Bruna Barbieri Waquim, Ph.D.

Doctor in Law. Master in Law and Institutions of the Justice System. Legal Advisor at the Court of Justice of the State of Maranhão. Vice-President of IBDFAM/MA. University professor. Parental Educator certified by the PDA. Author of the books "Simultaneous marital relationships: the place of the Other in Family Law", "Induced Family Alienation: deepening the study of Parental Alienation" and the Collection "Parental Alienation from the perspective of the rights of children and adolescents: impacts on the Judiciary and in Public Policy".

Catula Pelisoli, Ph.D.

Forensic Psychologist at TJ RS, Specialist in Clinical Psychology and Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy, Master and PhD in Psychology, Post-Doctorate in Psychology, Content Producer at Canal Proteja.

Denis Lino, MsC.

PhD student in Cognitive Psychology at the Federal University of Pernambuco, Master in Investigative and Forensic Psychology by University of Liverpool, Specialist in Legal Psychology and Criminal Investigation by Faculdades Integradas de Patos (FIP), Graduated in Psychology at the State University of Paraíba (UEPB). Author of Criminal Profiling, Analysis of Behavior in Criminal Investigation (2021). Researcher in Legal and Investigative Psychology with articles published in national and international scientific journals.

Denise Maria Perissini da Silva, MSc.

Clinical and forensic psychologist in São Paulo, Brazil. Master in Human Sciences UNISA. Lato sensu specialist in Psychopedagogy and LIBRAS. Studying lato sensu Specialization in Legal Psychology IPOG. Author of books and articles on Family Legal Psychology. Collaborating Member of Commissions at OABs-SP: Santo Amaro (102nd Subsection), Jabaquara (116th Subsection) and Santana (125th Subsection). Coordinator and teacher of the Legal Psychology Module of the 'Viver Program of Psychological Assessment' (Amélia Garcia Institute). Owner: PERISSINI Clinical and Legal Psychology Courses and Training S/C.

Júlia Zamora, MSc.

Doctoral student in Psychology, with emphasis in Clinical Psychology, at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS). He holds a master's degree and a degree in Psychology from the same institution. It is linked to the Research Group on Violence, Vulnerability and Clinical Interventions (GPeVVIC). She is a member of the Interinstitutional Committee to Combat Violence against Women in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Specialist in Contextual Behavioral Therapies (CBT). She also works as an in-office clinical psychologist based on a cognitive-behavioral approach and as a clinical supervisor.

Lucas Guimarães, Ph.D.

PhD in Psychological Assessment (USF), Master in Science and Health (UFPI), with academic-scientific exchange in the Department of Psychiatry at the Università Degli Studi di Torino (Turin, Italy), Neuropsychologist, by the Federal Council of Psychology. Expert Psychologist in civil and criminal areas and Judicial Analyst-Psychologist (TJ-MA). Adjunct Professor of Psychodiagnosis at the State University of Piauí. International Fellow of the American College of Forensic Psychology (ACFP). Coordinator of the Laboratory of Forensic Assessment and Expertise (LAPEP) at UESPI. Coordinator of the Postgraduate Course in Legal Psychology with Emphasis on Psychological Expertise at IPOG. Researcher in the areas of construction of psychological instruments, forensic interviews, sexual violence against children and adolescents and psychological expertise.

Maria Berenice Dias, MSc.

Lawyer specialized in Homoaffective Law, Families and Successions National Vice President of the Brazilian Institute of Family Law (IBDFAM).

Marilene Marodin, Spc.

Psychologist, Graduated from the Universidade Pontificia Católica (PUCRS), in 1971; Improvement in Psychotherapy (PUCRS/1980), Specializations in Group Dynamics (UFRGS /1972), Specialization in Clinical Psychology (PUCRS/1974), Training in Systemic Therapy (1991), Training in Couple and Family Therapy (1991), Training in Conflict Mediation (1994) and Training in Clinical Supervision (ISBL/2003). Individual, couples and family therapist; Conflict Mediator, Dialogue Facilitator; Collaborative Mental Health Professional; Director, Lecturer and Supervisor of Clip-Clinic of Psychotherapy and Institute of Mediation; Superintendent of CONIMA/RS – National Council of Mediation and Arbitration Institutions; Counselor on the Board of the IBPC - Brazilian Institute of Collaborative Practices; Coordinator of the Family Psychology Commission at IBDFAM/RS - Brazilian Institute of Family Law; Member of the Publications Board of ICFML – Institute for the Certification and Training of Lusophone Mediators.

Nelson Hauck Filho, Ph.D.

Psychologist (UFSM), Master and Doctor in Psychology (UFRGS). Professor at the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program in Psychology at USF. Research the themes: psychopathy and antisocial behavior, self-report and response biases, personality and socio-emotional skills. Editor of the Revista Avaliação Psicológica and Associate Editor of the Psychological Test Adaptation and Development.

Paula Inez Cunha Gomide, Ph.D.

Paula Inez Cunha Gomide. Graduated in Psychology from the State Universidade of Londrina (1976), Master (1984) and Doctor (1990) in Experimental Psychology from the University de São Paulo (USP). Retired professor at UFPR (1976-2003) where, in addition to being a professor, she coordinated the undergraduate course in Psychology, she was department head of the Psychology course and coordinator of the master's degree in Child and Adolescent Psychology. Adjunct professor at Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná (2009-current), she teaches at the undergraduate level and has been a professor and coordinator of the Masters in Forensic Psychology since its implementation. She was President of the Brazilian Sociedade Brasileira de Psicologia (2009-2013). ABPMC accredited behavior analyst. She is a researcher with studies in parenting styles, moral behavior, offender intervention programs, bullying, forensic assessment, parental alienation, restorative justice and patricide.

Romilda Guilland, Ph.D.

Psychologist, specialist in Clinical Psychology, Master in Clinical Psychology, with a focus on occupational health, PhD in Psychosocial and Health Processes at the Work and Organizations. Currently, she is part of the UFSC post-doc program, coordinates line 2 of research (adaptation and validation of instruments) of the Human Factor Laboratory - UFSC, works at the Court of Justice of the State of Paraná and at IPOG, where he is part of the faculty . Areas of interest: Health and Work Psychology, Psychological Assessment and Juridical Psychology.

Reginaldo Torrer Alves Jr., Ph.D.

PhD in Clinical Psychology and Culture by University of Brasília (2013) with a doctoral internship funded by CAPES at the University of Alabama (USA) in 2012 in the area of ​​forensic interviews with children victims of violence. Psychologist and Master in Psychology by University of Brasília (2005). Specialist in Domestic Violence against Children and Adolescents by University of São Paulo (2006). Currently a Judiciary Analyst in the field of Psychology at the Federal District and Territories Court of Justice, where he is the supervisor of the Reference Center for Integral Protection of Children and Adolescents in Situations of Sexual Violence of the Childhood and Youth Court. Forensic Supervisors and Interviewers Trainer with Certification by the National Council of Justice. One of the organizers of the Brazilian Forensic Interview Protocol (PBEF), endorsed by the National Council of Justice. Has experience in Psychology, with an emphasis on Legal Psychology, working mainly on the following topics: legal psychology, psychosocial assessments for the judicial context, forensic interviews, assessment of child sexual violence.

Roberto Cruz, Ph.D.

Psychologist, specialist in psychological assessment, ergonomics and occupational psychology, PhD in production engineering, post-doctorate in Methods and Diagnosis in Psychology and Epidemiology. He is currently a professor and researcher at the Department and Graduate Program in Psychology at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Leader of the Human Factors Laboratory (UFSC) and researcher at the Research Center in Neuropsychology in Health (University Hospital-UFSC). Expert and technical assistant psychologist in Civil and Labor Justice.

Rui Mateus Joaquim, Ph.D.

Post-Doctoral Researcher at INCT in Molecular Medicine (UFMG), Doctor of Science with emphasis in Neuropsychology (USP) Master in Developmental and Learning Psychology (UNESP), Specialist in Health Psychology (UNESP). Bachelor's degree and Psychologist Training (FEA). Clinical Neuropsychologist, Independent Consultant and Technical Assistant in Legal Psychology at Viés - Clinical and Forensic Neuroscience.

Sarah Putin, Ph.D.

Psychologist (CRP 07/16891). PhD in Criminal Sciences from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), having completed a doctoral internship at Universität Hamburg, Germany. Master in Psychology (PUCRS), Specialist in Criminal Sciences (PUCRS) and Specialist in Legal Psychology (CFP). Professor of the Psychology Course at FACCAT and of specialization courses in the area of Psychological Assessment, Legal Psychology and Criminal Sciences. She works as an expert psychologist and as a technical assistant in the civil and criminal areas, and as a forensic interviewer at the Court of Justice of Rio Grande do Sul. Psychologist, in the area of Psychological Assessment, in Expertise – Assessment and Training in Psychology

Samantha Dubugras Sá, Ph.D.

Clinical Psychologist with psychoanalytic orientation. Ph.D. in Psychology - PUCRS. Professor of the Psychology and Law Courses at PUCRS. Postgraduate in Comprehensive Care for Victims of Violence - Complutense University of Madrid - UCM. Coordinator of the Specialization Course Psychological Assessment in Different Contexts - PUCRS. Professor of the Specialization Course in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy - Fundação Universitária Mário Martins (FUMM). Coordinator of the Psychological Assessment Service - Fundação Universitária Mário Martins (FUMM). Professor of the Specialization Course Mediation, Arbitration and Conciliation - PUCRS Law School. Member of the National Commission for Children and Youth - IBDFAM. Interdisciplinary Director - Instituto Proteger. Coordinator of the Advanced Course in Filing Law.

Sônia Rovinski, Ph.D.

Post-doctorate in Psychological Assessment (UFRGS). PhD in Clinical and Health Psychology (University of Santiago de Compostela / revalidated PUC-RS). Master in Social and Personality Psychology (PUC-RS). Specialist in Legal Psychology (CFP) and Specialist in Criminology (PUC-RS).

Vivian de Medeiros Lago, Ph.D.

Post-doctorate in Psychology at UFRGS. Psychologist specialized in Legal Psychology. Assistant Professor at the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos. Develops work as a technical assistant in Family Courts. Partner owner of Expertise - Evaluation and Training in Psychology.

William Weber Cecconello, Ph.D.

PhD in Cognitive Psychology (PUCRS - 2021). Professor of Psychology at IMED (Passo Fundo Campus) and Coordinator of the Cognition and Justice Teaching and Research Laboratory (CogJus). Legal Psychologist with a focus on technical opinions and Training focused on the Psychology of Testimony. He has carried out research in the area of false memories, recognition, and interviewing techniques, with the aim of better understanding the cognitive processes of victims, witnesses, and suspects, and developing training to improve techniques used by the Brazilian justice system.

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