Aldert Vrij, Ph.D.

Professor of Applied Social Psychology, University of Portsmouth (UK). His main research interest is deception, resulting in almost 600 publications, which have been widely cited (> 28,000 citations and H-index 84). He received grants from British Research Councils, Trusts and Foundations, Insurers, Federal Bureau of Investigation, High value detainee Interrogation Group, and American, British, Dutch, and Singapore Governments, totalling > $11,000,000. He works closely with practitioners (police, security services and insurers) in terms of conducting research and disseminating its findings. His 2008 book Detecting lies and deceit: Pitfalls and opportunities is a comprehensive overview of research into (non)verbal and physiological deception and lie detection. In 2016 he received the International Investigative Interviewing Research Group (iiiRG) Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of his significant contribution to investigative interviewing.

Ashley Batastini, Ph.D.

Dr. Ashley Batastini earned her Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Texas Tech University and is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology, & Research at the University of Memphis. Her research emphasis is broadly at the intersection between the mental health and criminal legal systems. More specifically, Dr. Batastini’s work focuses on novel intervention strategies for high-risk populations and ways to improve access to appropriate services at all levels of legal involvement. Her work has been funded by the United States Health Resources and Services Administration and the American Psychological Foundation. In 2019, Dr. Batastini received the Early Career Achievement Award given by Division 18 (Psychologists in Public Service) of the American Psychological Association. In 2022, Dr. Batastini received the Saleem Shah Award for Early Career Excellence in Psychology and Law jointly given by Division 41 (the American Psychology-Law Society) and the American Academy of Forensic Psychology. Dr. Batastini is also a licensed psychologist who specializes in criminal forensic mental health evaluations.

Bernat-Noël Tiffon Nonis, Ph.D.

Dr. Bernat-N. Tiffon is Forensic psychologist. Doctor in Legal and Forensic Medicine (UB). Director of Consultancy in Legal and Forensic Psychology – Dr. Bernat-N. Tiffon. Professor of "Legal Psychology" at the Abat Oliba University (UAO -CEU) and Professor of "Criminal Psychology" at ESERP Business & Law School.

Dora Isabel Fialho Pereira, Ph.D.

Dora Isabel Fialho Pereira, PhD, is a Psychologist, Family Mediator and Family Therapist, specialist in Clinical and Health Psychology, Psychotherapy and Community Psychology by the Portuguese Psychologists Association. PhD in Clinical Psychology - Specialty in Family Psychology and Family Intervention by Universidade de Coimbra (2014), with the thesis “Parenting and child protection: a guide to assess parental capacity”. Between 1998 and 2015 she developed professional activity as a psychologist and trainer in the context of child protection (child and youth care and family support center and parental advice). Since 2015, she has been an Assistant Professor at Universidade da Madeira - Faculty of Arts and Humanities / Department of Psychology, coordinator of the Psychology Service and member of the Research Center for Regional and Local Studies at that University, developing research in the area of ​​parenting and risk contexts.

Francisco Valente Gonçalves, Ph.D.

Francisco Valente Gonçalves has been a clinical and forensic psychologist since 2011. Effective member of the Portuguese Psychologists Association, and Advanced Specialist in Clinical Psychology. Held his doctorate at the University of Leicester as a Marie Curie Research Fellow in psychology and criminology. During his time in the UK, he worked with forensic laboratories in 20 countries on 5 continents, where he identified cognitive bias mechanisms in criminal investigation. He has experience in the area of prisons, hospital, criminal investigation laboratories and private practice in the clinical area. He founded in 2016 where he is a non-executive director and currently works on the EY Forensic & Integrity Services team in the area of financial crime. He has more than 50 academic publications and integrates different research consortia at European level, among them COST Action ReMO (Researcher Mental Health Observatorium) and OSCAR (mental health platform for academic context). His work has been distinguished with international awards, including the Best Practice award from the Portuguese Psychologists Association (2021), Top 3 European Researcher of 2020 award, Social Impact Award 2019 awarded by the European Commission and the Bridging Career Gaps award from the Marie Curie Alumni Association.

Giselle Haas, PsyD.

Dr. Hass earned a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Nova Southeastern University (NSU) in 1992 and is a Diplomate by the American Board of Assessment Psychology. She is a Fellow and was Secretary of the Society for Personality Assessment, and former member of the Committee for the Advancement of Professional Practice of the American Psychological Association (APA). She has been a member of the task force developing the APA Guidelines on Parenting Coordination; the task force revising the Child Custody Evaluation Guidelines, and the Professional Practice Guidelines for Psychological Assessment and Evaluations. She has published articles and book chapters regarding culture, immigration, gender issues, and psychological assessment. She is co-author of the books “Using the MMPI-2 in Forensic Assessments” and “Forensic Psychological Assessment in Immigration Court: A Guidebook for Evidence-Based and Ethical Practice.” She had a private practice in forensic psychology in Virginia and the District of Columbia (DC) for 30 years. For 13 years she worked at The Assessment Center, Department of Behavioral Health, Washington, D.C. conducting custody evaluations, evaluations for child abuse and neglect, and intimate partner violence for the DC Superior Court. She was a Senior Evaluator with The Ainsworth Attachment Clinic, Virginia, for 5 years. She was an Associate Professor in the Doctoral Clinical Psychology Program of Argosy University, Washington DC for 15 years and worked as an Adjunct Professor of Law at Georgetown University Law Center, Center for Applied Legal Studies, for 10 years. She is currently an Associate Professor at the Universidad de Iberoamerica, Masters Program in Forensic Psychology, in Costa Rica.

Günther Köhnken, PsyD.

PhD Günther Köhnken completed a psychology degree at the University of Kiel with the minor subjects anthropology, physiology and sociology, from which he graduated in 1978 as a psychologist. Köhnken worked as a research assistant at Hermann Wegener in Kiel, where he obtained his doctorate and his habilitation. He was a professor in Marburg. He became a professor for psychological diagnostics, personality psychology and legal psychology at the University of Kiel. His research focuses on the credibility and reliability of testimony from witnesses, confirmatory hypothesis testing, and assessing the maturity of juvenile offenders. As a reviewer, he examined many witness statements (e.g. in the Kachelmann trial).

Jennifer J. Harman, Ph.D.

Jennifer J. Harman, PhD., is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, CO, USA. The primary focus of her research is on power dynamics in families where there has been family violence, in particular cases where there has been parental alienation of a child. She has published over a dozen peer-reviewed, scientific articles on parental alienation alone, as well as numerous book chapters and a book on the topic. Aside from her work as a professor, she also serves as an expert witness on many cases involved in family and criminal courts where parental alienation is suspected to be an issue, and provides trainings to legal and mental health professionals

Mauro Paulino, MSc.

Coordinator of Mind| Institute of Clinical and Forensic Psychology. Forensic Psychologist Consultant at the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences. Doctoral candidate in Forensic Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at the University of Coimbra (FPCE-UC). Effective member of the Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses, with a degree of Advanced Specialty in Psychology of Justice and Neuropsychology. Integrates the Working Group of the Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses – Intervention of the Psychologist in the Context of Domestic Violence. Member of the National Council of Psychologists. Author and coordinator of several books (eg, “Child Sexual Abusers: The Hidden Truth”; “Forensic psychology of spousal violence: Psychodynamics, Forensic Mental Health Issues and Research”, “Criminal Behavior and Forensic Assessment”, “Testimony Psychology” , Psychopathy and criminal behavior).

Ramón Arce, Ph.D.

Ramón Arce is Full Professor of Legal and Forensic Psychology at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC). Director of the Forensic Psychology Unit at USC and expert at the GI -1754 research group. Chief editor of the European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context. His research topics are forensic assessment and testimony, family legal psychology, prediction of disruptive and criminal behavior in minors, and judicial decision making. He has published 125 articles in peer-reviewed journals on these topics, 61 books and 170 book chapters, as well as numerous participations in national and international conferences. In addition, his research work has received several research awards, including, for his research on Criminal Behavior Prediction, the National Educational Research Award, 2004 edition, given by the Ministry of Education and Science. His most significant applied contributions in the forensic field include the creation and scientific-judicial validation of forensic techniques applied to cases of custody disputes, the creation and validation of the forensic clinical interview, the creation and validation of forensic techniques for the evaluation of the simulation of mental disorders and the Global Assessment System (SEG). In the field of Legal Psychology, the creation and management of the Reeducation Program for Gender Abusers in Galicia stands out, for which he was awarded the Silver Medal of Prison Merit (Ministry of the Interior). In relation to knowledge transfer activities, it generated several products registered with intellectual property, including the Technique and Protocol for forensic assessment of the psychic nature as a result of gender violence, the Technique and Protocol for psychological-forensic assessment of imputability and the Psychological assessment of the credibility of the testimony. These forensic techniques are heavily used in national forensic practice and have been endorsed by jurisprudence as admissible and valid evidence. The General Council of the Judiciary has endorsed them as a reference test and they are practiced in large numbers by the Institutes of Legal Medicine, especially in cases of Gender Violence and Sexual Assaults, they have also been taken as evidence in several Latin American countries (Mexico, Portugal , Argentina, Ecuador, Brazil, Costa Rica and Chile).

Rasmus Rosenberg Larsen, Ph.D

Rasmus Rosenberg Larsen (Ph.D) is an Assistant Professor of Forensic Epistemology and Philosophy at the University of Toronto Mississauga, and a Senior Scientist at the National Center for Ontological Research. The primary focus of his research involves (1) the scientific status of Psychopathic Personality Disorder, (2) standardization of psychiatric data and semantics, and (3) ethical challenges in forensic mental health. He is currently working on a book manuscript, which critically reviews contemporary research on psychopathy and its forensic use. For more information, visit his personal website:

Ray Bull, Ph.D.

Ray Bull, PhD is a professor of Criminal Investigation at the University of Derby and Professor Emeritus of Forensic Psychology at the University of Leicester. His main topic of specialisation is 'Investigative Interview'. He regularly conducts investigative interviewing workshops and trainings around the world. In 2014 he became President of the European Association for Psychology and Law. In 2010 he was elected an honorary member of the British Psychological Society “for his contribution to the discipline of psychology”. In 2018 he accepted the invitation to be a member of the small 'Steering Committee', writing the extensive guidance document on investigative interviews recommended to the United Nations and published in 2021. In 2021 he accepted the invitation to become the first 'International Ambassador' of the International Investigative Interviewing Research Group (IIIRG). ⁣ Want to know more about our schedule?! Check out our website and guarantee your participation! More information in our bio!

Ron Roesch, Ph.D.

Ron Roesch is Professor of Psychology and Director of the Mental Health, Law, and Policy Institute, Simon Fraser University. He has served as president of the American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS) and the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services (IAFMHS). He was Editor-in-Chief of Law and Human Behavior; International Journal of Forensic Mental Health; and Psychology, Public Policy, and Law. He received AP-LS’s Outstanding Contributions to the Field of Psychology and Law Award, the Lifetime Achievement Award for Contributions to Psychology and Law from the European Association of Psychology & Law, and the Rüdiger Müller-Isberner Award for career contributions to clinical practice, scholarly research, and mentorship from IAFMHS.

Thomas Grisso, Ph.D.

Clinical forensic psychologist and Emeritus Professor at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. His research and writing across four decades has focused on improving forensic evaluations for criminal and civil competencies, forensic evaluation of juveniles, and developmental capacities of adolescents relevant for law and policy. Among his career achievement awards are those received from the American Psychological Association and American Psychiatric Association, the Royal College of Psychiatrists (U.K.), and the American Psychology-Law Society.

William E. Foote, Ph.D.

William E. (Bill) Foote has been a forensic psychologist in private practice in Albuquerque, New Mexico since 1979. He has taught in the Department of Psychology at the University of New Mexico, the Department of Psychiatry, and the UNM School of Law. He has held various professional positions, including President of the Psychological Association of New Mexico, Representative on the APA Council, Member and Chair of the APA Legal Affairs Committee, Member and Chair of the APA Practices and Standards Committee, Chair of Division 31, President of the American Society for Psychology-Law (Division 41) and President of the American Council on Forensic Psychology. He has authored many professional peer-reviewed articles and book chapters, and is co-author, with Jane Goodman-Delahunty, of three books on psychological assessment in sexual harassment and employment discrimination cases. His third book with Dr. Goodman-Delahunty, Understanding Sexual Harassment: Evidence-Based Forensic Practice (2021), is a second edition of the APA Press' award-winning 2005 volume on sexual harassment. Dr. Foote for the New Mexico Judicial Standards Commission.

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